Monday, March 23, 2009

Boy update

It's been awhile since I've posted an update about the boys so here goes...
Connor is potty trained! We started mid January and things went better than expected so we kept at it. He has had a few accidents here and there over the past month but for the most part his days and nights are dry. Yipee!! Being the little brother that he is, Liam often interferes with Connor's personal play time and completely frustrates him. We got a great idea to buy Connor his own special tote and fill it with only 'Connor toys'. He gets to play with the items in this tote(mostly tools) if he stays in bed for naps/bedtime or whenever we feel he needs some alone time from Liam. So far he is loving the idea of "his space" and we hope this helps lengthen the amount of time he plays on his own without our help(and stays in bed!). We considered preschool for Connor this fall but recently decided to send he and Liam to Lisa's(where Connor goes now) 2 days a week instead. She was a teacher for 10 years and schedules most of her days the same way she did in the classoom so Connor gets lots of structured time during the day. She, and several other people in the teaching field we consulted, feel Connor is up to speed verbally and socially, which is why we considered preschool in the first place. So, I will still have 2 half days alone with the new baby while Connor and Liam learn and play with other kids.
Ahhh, Liam is growing up too fast! I love the age he is right now and we have so much fun playing and laughing with him. He can say/mumble several words: choo choo, banana, sticks(hockey), dog, tractor, and ba ba(bottle-yup, still gets 'em). He understands what we say to him, ie. "time to eat" and he runs to his chair, "change your diaper" he heads for his room. He still eats and sleeps like a champ which we totally appreciate. His favorite things to do include jumping on Connor's bed and playing hockey. He has a great shot and never fails to lift his stick in the air and say "goal" when he scores. We are excited to have Liam at Lisa's next fall to begin building his social skills, handle being away from us for extended periods of time and, best of all, build a even better relationship with Connor. He will be fun to watch this summer, following Connor and Brady(our neighor) all around the neighborhood, trying to be older than he really is!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

love the updates, even though I get to see the boys frequently! How about a belly picture?!!?