Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lots of LOVE here...

~FAMILY ~That is the focus around our house this week. Tennis ended last weekend and I couldn't be happier. Dan is able to come home after work to have supper, play with the boys and spend quality time with me, instead of going to practice. He also won't be leaving me and the kids for weekend road trips anymore. We have nothing but family things planned this week and we are both thrilled about it. We got a bit overwhelmed in the past few months with everything going on and will be taking this time to refocus our energy and lives around what is truly important to us...each other and the boys! (oh ya, tennis-LOVE...get it?!!)
1. Connor trying to wink
2. Liam loves the Intellitainer
3. Bedtime books
4. I love this picture!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I, too, am looking forward to refocusing on our family. I hope you make some wonderful family memories in the coming days!