Monday, May 12, 2008


#1 It had to happen-we cut his hair!! I know several of you have been anticipating this day, as I have not, but it finally came time to allow Connor to see the world through unblurred vision. My parents and brother Daniel came up last weekend for Liam's Baptism and because my dad hated hair in Connor's eyes, we decided to have it cut while he could witness. He sat in the chair patiently while the lady cut his hair and when she was through he was barely phased. I love, love, loved his long hair but is his totally adorable with his new short due.

#2 Liam was baptized into the church this weekend. My brother Daniel and Dan's sister Karen are the chosen godparents. The ceremony was during Saturday's mass and then we had family and friends here for supper. All went beautifully and it was a joyous occasion all around.

#3 My parents and brother came to town!!! We always love having my family up and this weekend was no exception. They finally got to see our new house and loved seeing the boys and how much they've both changed in the past few months. Best of all my mom is staying with us for a week to help us get a bit more unpacked and settled. Her help is much appreciated!!!

Liam had his 4 mo. check up today. 16 pounds, 27 inches long and doing great. Being off milk and soy is still doing wonders for this kid.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

uh, how much do i love connor's hair?!?! he is absolutely adorable. like i said on monday, his blue eyes are incredible--glad they're not hiding behind hair anymore!