Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Liam's 100 days old (yesterday!)

Happy 100 days alive Liam!! He has brought us such overwhelming joy and happiness in such a short time. I wanted to share with you some stats from the past three plus months.

The stats on Liam: He arrived 16 days early, on Dec. 23rd, at 10:23 pm
Birth weight: 7.14oz. Current weight: 14.14oz.
Birth length: 19.5 in. Current length(as of Feb.28): 23.5 in.
Past/Present ailments: Serious cough and cold in January and a few weeks in March and
a lingering cough to this day, REFLUX!!!, constipation(13 days once people!), insomnia and
let's hope that never returns!
Sleeping patterns: January - 2 hour increments at night, only napped if he was being held.
February - 3-4 hours at night, napped in crib for 20 minutes and any time
he was in the car.
March - 4-5 hours at night, napped in car seat/swing/our bed for 45 min.-
2 hours thoughout the day and always in the car. * This week ha began
sleeping 6-8+ hours at night, still naps in 3-4 times a day wherever and
for whatever to time. I have yet to begin a schedule with this child but
have not last hope completely.
Activities he enjoys: the swing, laying in Connor's bed with him, looking at books, and anything
we do to make him smile. =)
Major accomplishments: Sleeping "thru" the night, rolling over(from back to tummy and
tummy to back(just once)-freakishly strong kid!), pull up from laying and push to stand.
Unique Characteristis: He has a mole in his belly button-therefore his belly button is brown.
He has rolly, polly legs and a big belly. Dan's bright blue eyes, blonde fuzzy hair and a huge smile.
Although Liam started out very, very difficult, he has become a content, smiley, chunky boy over the past 100 days. He has grown in so many ways and continues to amazes with what he learns and does each day. We can't wait to see what the next 100 days has in store.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow! It's crazy to think he's been breathing air for over 100 days! What an awesome addition to the Doyle clan.