Thursday, July 15, 2010

Novak is ONE!

We hosted our family on the 7th for kabobs and cake. Novak was all about the cake smash and loved opening all the gifts. It doesn't seem possible it's been a year already.
Here are his stats:
Weight: 20 pounds 10 ounces Height : 30 in. Physically completely healthy!
Things he is doing: Barely walking, braver each day(We find it hard to believe he is our last walker...)
Can sign: 'All done' and 'more'
Makes, what we call, words for ball and cheese(when you put a camera in his face!)
LOVES tubby time and climbing(found him on the kitchen counter yesterday)
Can answer when you ask what a puppy says, "fffpp" and bird, "ba,ba"
All around happy, active, intellegent little boy.

Novak you are a joy to be around, you bring a smile to our face and we will never stop loving you! Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

Claussen Family said...

Oh, my he may be the cutest kid of all times! Love that munchkin. Happy birthday, Novi.