Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

With three kids, I have learned to settle for family pictures like this...atlesat we were all in one spot for .5 seconds!
Liam wanted to be buried like DW in Arthur's Family Vacation book =)
While Connor is at class Novak, Liam and I take a walk then get coffee.
Liam, Connor and Chi Chi(Isaac) at the new Playfront park.

Liam fell asleep in the dorrway last week.

We were reminiscing today about this weekend last year when I was(secretly!)having contractions out at Dan's parent's cabin. Ahh, how fast time flies when you're having fun(and chasing 3 under 4!).
Connor started "camp" at the Great Lakes Aquarium 2 weeks ago and so far is enjoying all he is learning about, "deep sea creatures(as he tells me)". Liam has shown slight interest in peeing on the toilet but Dan and I aren't getting our hopes up. He still gags at the sight of anything in the toilet-he may take awhile! Novak will have a birthday celebration Wednesday with family and friends before we head out this weekend for a Doyle family vacation.
We had a wonderful, somewhat relaxing weekend out at the cabin. The older 2 spent hours in the water swimming, fishing(Connor caught 4 on his own), and splashing. Novak was in the water as much as he could be but spent most of his time crawling/walking all over the beach. We will enjoy tomorrow with Dan home, preparing for all the festivities in the coming week.
Novak's official 1 year post coming soon...

1 comment:

Claussen Family said...

Too cute! I love the part of Liam gagging about anything in the Toilet. That is hilarious!

You can catch ALLIGATORS in the Minnesota lakes?!?!?

What a cute haircut, Connor!