Monday, July 6, 2009

Still sportin' a belly!

The past few weeks have been some I will cherish. When mid June rolled around, I was so prepared(physically, emotionally and strategically) to go early with this baby that I stopped enjoying my last weeks of being pregnant. Over the past few weeks we have taken the time to spoil the boys and enjoy doing everything together. Walks, swimming, backyard play, the Lakewalk, movie nights, picnics and cabin days. The boys have grown up so much this summer already: getting more brave in the water and on water toys, at the park, exploring further on their own and entertaing/playing with each other outside each day. I am so glad I was able to take the time to focus on them and witness their milestones.
Over the 4th, we were at the cabin with Dan's family, just roughin' it! It was so awesome to relax, play with the boys and enjoy time with Dan...without having a little newborn to care for as well. We savored our(potential) last weekend of man-to-man defense!

I honestly didn't think I would make it to my due date, but now that it's here...I'm more prepared then I was three weeks ago!

Ok, come on baby!!

1 comment:

Thompson's said...

Great that you're enjoying yourselves! I can't wait to hear about the new baby- maybe that will be your next post:-)