Monday, January 19, 2009

Winter Fun

We have spent the majority of the past week inside due to the unbearable weather and although at times it was cramped, we have had some fun times. The boys are up to about 20 minutes of occuppying each other without me around-how awesome is that!! Liam can be found most days carrying a hockey stick around ready to hit the next object he sees on the floor(hopefully thats not Connors head!). His love for climbing is beginning to get him in trouble as he squeezes toothpaste all over the counter, puts unopened mail from the counter in the trash and pull off keyboard pieces letter by letter. Much to Dan's relief, Connor is really getting into skating. He and Dan share special time Wednesday evenings at a local rink for one hour of skating. He can walk on the ice and just last week pushed a chair around all by himself. We also have been visiting the pond down the road more frequently for some good old fashioned sledding and outdoor skating.
Stay Warm!!

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