Monday, January 26, 2009

Belly Bumps!!

As you may or may not have heard, we are pregnant with #3!! Yes, read it again, #3!
We had our 16 week belly check today and so far so good. Heartbeat was 160(is that in the girl range??), my weight stayed the same(thanks to a weekend bout with the flu!) and all other vitals were normal. I was initially very tired and have caught every cold/flu bug that comes to town but now I have more energy, am able to workout again and love the belly bump. Our due date is July 6th. Doing the math? Yes, we will have 3 under 3.
One of the great joys with this pregnancy is sharing it with my friends and family. I have two close friends(3 until last weeks delivery) that are pregnant and due within the same month and one sister in law due 2 months later. What a beautiful things to share!!
For about a month we have been talking to Connor about hearing the heartbeat and how they do that. For this appt. we took him along to have some special time and let him hold the monitor that finds the heartbeat. He did a great job and kissed and hugged my belly the whole time. His exact words when he finally found it, "It sounds like a fire truck mommy". Oh the imagination on this one!!
YA for big brothers!!


Jessica said...

Yea for pregnant mommies!! I'm so excited to go through this with you :)

Sunshine said...
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Thompson's said...

Wow, I'm so excited for you. Funny, I just recently asked Jodi if you were pregnant again and she said no. She either didn't know or wasn't telling yet:-)

You'll be busy, but it seems like you have the energy and sense of humor to handle it.
