Saturday, January 5, 2008

Our chaotic "babymoon"

The past month or so was quite eventful for our family and has left several major things on our plate. It is amazing to think Liam would still not be here if he had waited until his original due date to arrive. We have grown so close to him already and have begun noticing changes and growth already.
As most of you know Dan has been off work since late October. The timing couldn't have been more perfect as the holidays approached, I was getting slower and Connor faster and of course our due date was just around the corner. It was so nice having him around to help out and spend time with. He recently accepted a position here in Duluth and doesn't start until Feb. 1-yippy!! It has been such a blessing having him here while Liam is so young.
We did one thing every day in December to "spoil" Connor just so he didn't feel phased out when baby #2 arrived. It was so fun participating in local holiday festivities and making Christmas memories together.
With the new job means we are now house hunting(when have we not?!?) and looking to move fairly quickly in order to be settled when Dan begins traveling. Wish us luck!
And who can forget the arrival of Liam, 2 weeks early! We were semi-prepared with diapers in the house and some clothes washed but no car seat in the car or bassinett in the house made coming home a bit hectic. My mom had planned to come the week of New Year's to help out before the baby arrived but as luck has it she was able to meet her newest(and favortie!)grandson while being of great help to Dan and I. It was so wonderful having her here and we, especially Connor, miss having her around.
Life with two children gets a little less hectic and a little easier each day. Although there is a lot going on, we feel fortunate to be in the situations we are in and are eager to see what the future holds for the four of us. What have so much to be thankful for!!

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