Liam took his first bath in the tub with big brother right there to watch. After tubs, Liam posed in the frog towel while Dan helped Connor out of the baby tub after he climbed in fully clothed-ha!
Connor playing in his cloth diaper.
Dan and I had no intention of harming our children when we made our New Year's resolution to "Go Green". Several boxes of kleenex(green snot), many diaper changes(green poops), one trip to Urgent Care(green bills - $15) and hours of coughing later(green phlem), Connor and Liam have gone "green" this week-literally!! Having sick children in your house makes for a stressful, sleepless, messy week and boy has it been that and more around here. Connor is starting to get over the cough, congestion and runny nose only to find Liam throat deep in mucous and horse from coughing so much-poor little guy! We hope to be in the clear soon.
As I mentioned before, we will strive to make our home more GREEN this year. This all started when I joined a "granola" prenatal yoga class this fall. I came home one night certain cloth diapers were the way to go and eager to get a house so I can start a compost pile. We are taking baby steps on this eco-friendly journey but so far here are a few GREEN changes you can see around our house:
- Taking canvas bags to the grocery store
- Cloth diapers for Connor(at night, but working toward day time too) and Seventh Generation(chlorine-free) diapers for Liam
- Reduce, reuse, RECYCLE!! We pack nearly two bins each week
- Turning off lights when not in room
These are just a few but with time who knows....we may be growing veggies in the back and hang drying our clothes! All of us can do minor things throughout the day that make a big differnece. GO GREEN!!
"In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations." -From the Great Law of Iroquios Confederacy
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