Thursday, February 18, 2010


An update is due....
Connor's had some ear issues over the past month. He had been ear infection free since Nov. of '08 and we hoped he would grow out of them before getting hit with more. We assume he ruptured his ear drum again because it has been bleeding for over three weeks-gross! He is on his second antibiotic in attempts to heal it. An ENT visit in not unlikely but he are hoping to avoid that. This would explain some of the overly crabby, "freak out" behavior he has been having lately...but certainly not all of it!
After weeks of breaking Dan's heart by saying he "doesn't like skating, doesn't want to learn, won't skate until he's older..." he finally got back on the ice and had a blast. I'm impressed with Dan's patience and proud of him for not forcing him to go every week. He says Connor has great balance and both are very, very eager to go skating again.
We started looking at preschools for Connor and we hope to have something figured out by the end of this month. He is better at recognizing the alphabet and can tell us what words start with which letters. His imagination is in hyper drive. Constantly pretending he's a daddy, or chef, or teacher, or a hockey player. He gets these pretend games going that involve all of us to play certain parts that he's hilareous! He really enjoys reading books, playing hockey and everything dinosaurs...and Dan!!! For the most part he is a terrific big brother. He suprises us sometimes with how thoughtful he is towards them...then he'll turn around and shove Liam into the wall(ohhh, brotherly love!).

Liam got his hair cut!!! We finally decided it was time and he did fantastic. He looks so cute and when asked what he did to his hair he says, "we cut the curls offff!" He is a total boy! Jumping off the couch, playing trucks and hockey, being loud, getting dirty. We understand most everything he says and if not, he shows us quite well. He is terribly independant and will try things several times before he gets them right...quite unlike his brother(one and done!).
Liam loves skating and everything about hockey. He has a mean backhand, loves to do the goalie leg save move and always announces, "bamboni, bamboni on the ice!" when they play.
He is getting his 2 year molars right now so his hands are always in his mouth. Still such a book work. Most nights we find him sitting at the top of his bed, reading by the light from the windows...too adorable! He loves sharing a room with Connor downstairs and has had no problems staying in his bed for naps or all night(thank goodness...we were due!).
He is our all-around dare devil, accident prone but never out of commision, giggly, toe walking, anti-potty training, juice loving, affectionate, fun loving, blonde hair, blue eyes middle child!

Novak is moving! He has just figuring out that first move from his hands and knees that gets him forward, toward what he wants. And just tonight he pulled himself up using the side of the crib. It still amazes us, the transition time from sitting to rocking to crawling and pulling up. It's like a 4-8 week process that flies by! He is getting his I teeth(the top fangs) which are typically pretty rough...and he was hurtin' for awhile. He eats anything in sight, and I mean anything. Things he has tried: pancakes, pizza, eggs, PB toast, animal crackers, rice, grapes and blueberries(cut up and skinned). He seems turned off by the pureed stuff and just wants real food. He is still breastfeeding and seems to like it that way. He takes three naps a day(give or take) and sleeps from about 8pm-7am most nights. He and I get lots of alone time when the boys go to daycare and it's always nice to play games or read books to him uninterrupted while the are gone.
He just started the "attached to mommy...cry when she leaves the room" stage. I forgot how stressful that can be not being able to leave him with anyone. This too shall pass! He is a content, hungry, happy, smiling, bouncing, sleeping, giggling, moving, chubby baby that has one awesome name(ha...I just love it!!).
We have been super busy these past few weeks with playdates, doctors appointments, errands, family get togethers, tennis, holidays and fun family time. My mom spent the weekend with us over Valentine's Day, while Dan was away for tennis, and it was so fun to have her here. Then President's Day Dan was home so we hit the doctor, skating, errands, Bulldog hockey practice, Liam's hair cut and movie night. We spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Bemidji with Dan which was a blast. They had bunnk beds in the room for the older boys-Connor slept on the top bunk all night-and a waterpark. Both boys let loose, jumping in, dunking under and splashing around. They even had johnny jumper seats for Novak, poolside!! It was great to get away and spend quality time with the boys.

We head into next week anticipating the big Bulldog/Gopher hockey weekend. Every year since our wedding we have hosted our wedding party, plus some, for a night of supper, drinks, the game and more drinks. Should be a great time!!
Wow, that was a lot...
Liam pushes the chair.

Connor and Dan are across the rink in black. Connor runs his legs like the Road Runner!!

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