Friday, August 7, 2009

What's "A gust?"

Connor asked me that the other night...shocking it's already here!!
We have been surprisingly busy around here. Dan and I have to laugh that as a stay at home mom and an unemployed dad we some how aren't finding the time to finish projects, refuse to wake up any earlier than our children(usually 7:30!), can't remember what day it is or month and never feel like doing the routine chores! What we have been finding plenty of time to do is spend time with each other and enjoy the time Dan has at home right now.
Connor got a two-wheel bike from his Godmother Erin for his birthday and has learned to ride quite well. He can ride all the way around the cirlce with little help. The boys and I went to Chester park Wednesday morning with our good friends to play trucks in the sand and get some sun. Lest week I took them to Wednesday Night at the Races(Dan was at an interview)and Connor decided he wasn't going to run the race, but walk really slow(literally 30 yards behind everyone as you can see from the picture above!!). We came in dead last of all the 4 and under runners...I laughed the whole time!! This week he ran the whole thing with his cousin Audrey and greatly improved his time-ha! Then Audrey stayed the night and we played out back, had ice cream and then a hot tub. I took the boys to the cabin Thursday morning(by myself!) to play in the water and soak up more sun. Dan and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary this year with the theme, "Four wonderful years of marriage, three beautiful boys, two lays offs and one new house!" We walked the Lakewalk, had supper at the Brewhouse and then Blizzards(thanks for watching the boys Kathy!). Connor had his first dentist appt. and loved it. He has great teeth and even got to hold the drills.
Novak is doing awesome. He gets up twice a night and is now eating and then going right back down-yes! He can focus more on your face or a toy and is smiling all the time. He likes to be held(I don't mind this one at all!!) and still seems to be pretty content. It is amazing how quickly he is growing out of the newborn, and even 0-3 mo., clothes. What can I expect?!?
As the shirt reads...Life is Good!

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