Saturday, August 16, 2008

August Update

Can this summer get any busier? Whoa, we have had quite the busy schedule this past month and I am ready for things to calm down and get back to some routine. We left last Friday from Minneapolis on the train headed for Chicago. We met my entire family there and drove 5 hours to Dayton, OH for a 60 person Wuebben Reunion. It was so nice to catch up with relatives and meet new little ones! Monday I headed back to Omaha with my family and Dan headed to MN. We rested Tuesday and Wednesday the Claussen's, Mary, Connor and I got back in the car for an all day trip at an amusement park two hours east of Omaha. Dan arrived late that evening for the rehearsal dinner Thursday and the wedding Friday. Both were beautifully done and late nights! It has been a busy, eventful week/month but we are having a great time.

Connor is using more full sentences(ie. "I want juice a sippy the orange one please mommy(pointing to cabinet with the cups)" "I almost fall down mommy, whoa!")
Loves tractors and trucks. He puts ice cubes in the back and dumps them out, scoops them up and so on. He dumps all food/toys on the ground, "i wanna scoop 'em mommy"
Painfully got his first 2 year molar this month.
First train ride, first time in IL, IN and OH(up to 7 states he has visited)
Can recite the alphabet, count to 11
Regularly shares a room with his brother at night without climbing into his crib!!

Liam is scooting and rocking on hands and knees, can push himself to sitting position and pull himself up to standing with furniture.
Loves swimming, uses both arms and legs to "scoot" in the water.
Eats everything: toast with peanut butter, bunny grahams, Kashi cereal, fruit, sorbet, etc.
Sleeps in his crib in he and Connor's room every night!!

What a fun summer it has been. Pictures later.

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