Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Wings are coming!

It was another crazy week here in Doyleville but as always we managed to get a few things done and share a few laughs. Connor was in the doctor's office again last week with a sore throat, fever and the flu and we left with a "looks like mono" diagnosis. Hope this is the last blow of the season. Liam continues to grow and change daily. He is sitting up on his own and just popped another tooth today-three already! He and Connor have the most precious relationship. Connor shows him books, rolls him over whenever he can to share tummy time, and gets him to giggle better than Dan or I can. We are blessed beyond words!
Dan and I finished a few projects at the rental properties and finally cleared out the garage to allow both of us to park in there. Several young moms I know decided to start a book club and last week was our first meeting. I am eager to read something other than Brown Bear, Brown Bear! We are also countin down the days until our dear friends the Wings arrive for Grandma's Marathon. They, and their adoreable daughter Lilly, will be staying with us for three days and Aaron and I will run the race together Saturday morning. Lilly is a week younger than Liam but we haven't met her yet...we can't wait!!!

We finished the weekend attending a friend's wedding in Virginia and the boys had their first sleep over together at Grandma and Papa's. It was nice to sleep in a bit this morning but of course we both missed the boys like crazy.

Dan-Happy Father's Day! You are truely an amazing father. It brings me so much joy to watch you laugh, play and teach our boys. Your dedication and love for them is incredible. They are both so lucky to have you. We love you!!

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