Sunday, October 9, 2011

Feelin' good at 30!

I can't help but end this weekend feeling so blessed! Friday night Dan threw me a surprise birthday party to celebrate my 30th. I have been saying for weeks, "nothing big...let's not draw attention to it and I won't feel 30!" So much for that approach.

I came home from night from my "surprise" massage he had scheduled to 30+ of my friends and family screaming "SURPRISE!!". It was overwhelming to know that many people came to celebrate and share in my big day. I gave a round of hugs then went to my bedroom to change...and my parents and sister Mary, with her hubby and little Claire, were in there!!! SO AMAZING!! We partied the night was way better than doing nothing at all :)

Saturday was Novak's first hair cut :) Neither of us cried and he looks adorable.

We hit the Lakewalk then enjoyed the day together before all the guys went to the Bulldog game and the ladies laid low at home.

Everyone took off early this morning. The boys are already asking when our next Omaha trip is because they all miss baby Claire!

Turning 30 didn't sound too fun but as I reflect on the weekend I'm overjoyed with where I am in my life at this time:
My husband continues to shower me with love and affection, like he has from day 1

My children love me, hug me and make me smile daily

I have a beautiful, round belly filled with our fourth healthy babe

My youngest is potty training with great ease(thank goodness!)

Best of all I get to stay at home to raise my children(what I always wanted to do!)

I can't believe I'm 30! That's the old age your older sisters and brothers are right?! Well, not anymore....but if life is this good at 30, then 30 ain't that bad!


Colleen. said...

It was a great celebration of YOU and the life you and Dan have built

Julie and Paul said...

You are wise beyond 30 years my friend :) Your priorities are right where they should be. So sad Paul and I couldn't make it down to celebrate. I was in a wedding last weekend and had the rehearsal dinner. We will recap soon!