Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fairy Dust

Silly tub time

Our GORGEOUS hotel room view

Movie time(yes the lymph node on Connor's neck is extra's not strep, just gets that big when he gets sick-strange i know!)

my attempt at a family picture in the lakefront hot tub

park time!!

Connor with his teachers Ms. Emily and Mr. Alex

SO CUTE! His new Vadar toy he got with the gift card he won at the school carnival

Novak shooting pucks with the Bulldogs.

Dan and I concur our Fairy Godmother stopped by and sprinkled all our children with fairy dust because the past few weeks have been incredible.

The phenomenon began at a school carnival a few weeks back where the kids played games and ate candy for 2 hours while we chased them around different stations. Connor won a gift card in the raffle then Novak ended up winning the ever sought after Bauer hockey stick signed by the UMD Hockey National Champions($200 stick!). The last prize of the night, and the one Dan wanted more than anything!, and Novak wins it!!

It got better on Mother's Day: we had a wonderful morning together then after the boys naps we spent the afternoon at the waterpark with Dan's parents. All the kids had a great time climbing, splashing, jumping in, riding the lazy river, going down the waterslides and eating pizza. We spent 4 hours there with no whining, fits or bad attitudes....possibly the first totally enjoyable family outings! They can't wait to go back :)

Our week was chaotic preparing for our huge garage sale and celebrating Connor's last day of Pre-K. Connor had a wonderful time and will miss his freinds and teachers. The sale went fantatic, getting rid of tons of stuff from the house, and selling over $1200 total between the 3 of us.
We shifted gears quickly and packed up Monday for three days in Bemidji, MN with Dan. The kids and I hung out while Dan worked; playing in the sand and water, drawing with chalk, visiting the parks, and rockin' the waterpark. The boys went nuts! Going down the slide head first, jumping off the edge of the pool alone, was so fun to watch them develop so much in just three days. All three learned new tricks and are eager, "to get to Jonan and Dillon's(their cousins)to jump in the pool!".

We arrived home mid-week exhausted but still smiling :) Not sure how long this "funk" will last. Everyone is enjoyable and family outings and adventures are going smoothly so we plan to take full advantage!! Thank you Fairy Godmother!!

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