Thursday, January 20, 2011

"They look like Lightsabars!!"

In the bear's den.

Last week we went to the Aquarium to celebrate
our friend Rhea's birthday. Novak gave her that
"love" puppy-awww!

With nothing too exciting going on here recently(I'm a bit thankful for that!) there isn't much to blog about. I guess I'll give you a quick run down on the boys.
Connor is still very inquisitive, asking intellegent questions all day long. He and Liam are in love with all things Star Wars since they watched the movies last week with Dan. They play Luke, Darth Vadar, storm troopers and R2D2 all the live long day! He is also beginning to read. We bought some of the "early reader" books and have a day by day lessons book that helps him learn the sounds of letters and how to put them together. Very exciting!! He still enjoys school 3 half days a week...we have yet to go a week or two without a color change(figures!). He recently passed into the second level at skating class and can't wait to "get paid to play hockey so I don't have to work all day"(Connor). Ha, daddy's dream!!

We can't believe Liam is only 3! He is such a fun-loving, intense, creative, independent, adventurous kid. He still loves reading and looking at books and now tries to "read" them himself. He walks around with a cape on, breathing and talking like Darth Vadar, demanding we call him "Vadar"! He is doing fantastic in school. Mastered his letters, numbers 1-15, colors, shapes, and he is doing well with writing. The teachers have nothing but praise for him every day and they love having him there. He will graduate to the next class up in March. He idolizes his big brother and does so much of what Connor is doing that we forget he is so much younger. He is also doing great in skating class. He seems more coordinated on skates then Connor was at that age and faster too. Little brotherly competition brewing for the future!
Novak continues to amaze us every day. His vocabulary is through the roof. We understand most words he is saying, "help me", "open", "cracker", "blankie", "juice", "Vadar"(lol, he said that tonight!). He is discovering how to play with toys, like the car garage, on his own. He dumps every toy basket, bin or box out daily(Ugh!!). There isn't much he won't eat but getting him to sit long enough to eat is tough. He wants to be doing just what the older two are doing; running around with a cape on, swinging a lightsabar, crashing cars or working on a puzzle. He adores his little g-friend Rhea, calling her name the whole time they're together. I love the time he and I get alone together, T/Th morings, when we hit the Aquarium, play at friend's houses, take walks or just hang out at home and play. He is growing up way too fast!
Tonight before Connor and Liam jumped in the tub they were both peeing into the toilet at the same time. Liam says, "Daddy, they look like lightsabers!" about their pee streams! LOL...such Star Wars nerds already!!!

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