Friday, September 17, 2010

Time for Family

We are back from Omaha and almost recovered from our spell of strep throat. The house seems quite these days with wedding season over, vacations crossed off and the older kids in school. Dan and I are trying to settle back into a routine. We have few plans for the fall and for that we are grateful. We will enjoy evenings playing with neighbors outside, short weekend 'spur of the moment' day trips and watch more than our share of football! Just good, quality family time for awhile. Hope you get outside and enjoy the weather too!!

Quick updates on the boys:

Novak - Not sure how he can get any cuter! He is loving the alone time with me every T/Th morning. He can say several words including: ball, momma, dadda, drink, cheese, ya...and puck, if you're really listening! He walks around the house carrying a ball or hockey stick most of the day, he still takes/needs 2 naps a day, can't get enough outside time riding on the scooter, big wheels and pushing the wagon. He is still nursing, which surprises me but doesn't. Not sure when that will end. He loves playing peek a boo and hiding from the big boys. He continue to give me a shock each day with new high places he gets himself stuck(ie. the picture above of him atop the desk in his room)!!

Liam - He loves preschool! The teachers have had nothing but great things to say about his listening, following directions and helpfulness. Hmmm, kid #2 excelling when out from under the shadow of kid #1...textbook! He is potty trained!!! Its true, the kid I mentally gave until 2012 to learn did it in 6 weeks. We are completely baffled but elated(I think cloth pull ups at night work wonders!). He is starting to figure out numbers and letters, is asking more inquisitive questions and says the goofiest things all the time("uhhh, mommy my eyeballs are soggy.") He and Connor are way into superheros and spend most of the day fighting crime or each other. Liam can certainly hold his own with Connor and is already pulling the classic little brother moves that drive Connor mad. He loves his tricycle and scooter and could spend hours reading/looking at books. I just want to squeeze him!!
Connor - He is doing well in the Pre-K class at Jefferson. The teachers say he plays well with others and is doing great in the classroom setting-phew! We have been working with him for the past few weeks on being responsible for his actions, acting his age and earning priveledges. He is a hot head sometimes and, although it hasn't been easy, we have seem progress in his behavior. He and the neighbor did a lot together this summer and we don't see why that would change this fall/winter. They are great little buddies. He will continue the skating classes on Sunday evenings with Dan later this fall. Not sure what else he might sign up for, maybe swimming..? Dan and I love hearing some of the questions he comes up with, always so curious about everything. He and Liam(as am I)are infatuated with the cartoon Phineus and Ferb. So cute!
I recently joined a kickboxing class three nights a week and it feels fantastic to be working so hard after so long! I also have several clients lined up for the fall/ fever!!
Dan starts tennis this week so will see what that brings. He still is traveling for work but spends every second he can with the boys-gotta love him!
Peace to all!!

1 comment:

Wings said...

oh how we miss you all. I'm glad life is so great. Well as great as life can be when you are the parents of 3. Way to go with the nursing. That is a feat in and of itself. hugs and kisses to all and can't wait to get some time with you.