Thursday, April 22, 2010

Boys, boys, boys!

Transformer movie-7 cousins Dinner outside - 5 cousins

Horse swing
Cousins: Jonan-5 Dillon-4 Connor-3.5 Liam-2 Ben-23mo. Novak 9mo.
At the park

Mai Tais with my sis-she wasn't ready, but I looked good=)

We are back from our long, twice extended trip to Omaha. It was better than I anticipated in all areas and I'm actually eager to make the brutal drive again.
After spending so many days with their older cousins, Connor and Liam now have a love for action figures. Playing guns(nerf guns!), swords, good guys vs. bad guys, wrestling, Transformers, Spiderman, Ironman...the list goes on. Things they never knew about are now in our daily talk and nighttime prayers(God bless Bumblebee Transformer!). They morphed so quickly into the boys who idolize action figures(thanks Claussens!!)...thus my life with four boys! Although a bit much at times, it is endearing to watch and listen to them pretend play all day together. Wonder what the next trip will bring...

Happy Earth Day!

1 comment:

Claussen Family said...

Oh, I could just hear the night time prayers. Sorry we corrupted them so quickly!!ble