Sunday, January 10, 2010

Novak's 6 month update!

Novak Lewis celebrated 6 months this week! He wanted to share a few "stats" about himself and let you know how he's grown since his last update.
- I weigh 20+ pounds and I'm fitting into mostly 12 mo. clothes
- I eat fruits, veggies, meats, and teething sticks like a champ! Favorite food: sweet peas
- I popped my 2 bottom teeth, had ear infections and met Santa all in the month of December.
- My quirk: I toss my head from side to side(just like Daddy T used to do!) when I am tired or trying to fall asleep.
- My loves: Giggling, playing and reading with my brothers, "walking" with mommy and daddy, taking baths, going for walks in the Ergo and stuffed animals!
- I'm rolling both ways, sitting up with support and pushing up to my knees on my belly. I'm very curious about everything, reaching and grabbing anything I can.
- I recently became a thumb sucker which everyone keeps saying is "sooo cute!"
- I love my new room. So do mommy and daddy because I am sleeping so much better at night!!
Ok, that's it. See you in 6 months!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Novak is getting so big! Can you believe he is already 6 months old. I can't believe how fast time flies these days. He is seriously too cute and the thumb sucking, well that is downright adorable!