Dan was out of town all last week so the boys and I rented lots of movies, ate supper in the basement and slept in!! Novak woke up Monday night with Croup, which lasted three days!, and then finally I took him in Friday morning and he had ear infections(ugh, poor guy!). The other 2 still went to school, Aquarium class and played with friends to keep busy all week. Me, I just needed a mocha here and there and I was just fine :)
Connor got asked to walk in the Christmas City of the North Parade with some friends on Friday night(Dan was supposed to fly in at 6pm but due to some delays he got home late that night). With Connor all dressed up as a penguin, I rushed all three kids downtown to drop him off then took the other 2 to park, dress in warm clothes(it was about 20 degrees with a bitter cold wind chill) and walk the 5 blocks to our spot. Luckily we bounced in and out of a dear friends printing shop to warm up and watch a bit from inside(that saved me!). Connor's group came by almost last but he was ecstatic to see us all cheering for him and calling his name. He walked almost a mile waving, handing out candy and smiling ear to ear. It was cold and a lot of work by myself but I'm so glad Connor did it-so memorable!!
We spent the weekend decorating for Christmas(I know its a bit early but if not now, then when?!) and hanging out with friends. I brought the Nativity up and the boys have been totally enthrawled with it. We discussed who each piece was and why they are there while taking it out of the box. Since then the boys have spent countless hours playing "house" with it. We even had some little friends up on Sunday and all 5 kids gathered around to take part in the action. They have added new people, animals and dinosaurs to the scene but the principle is still there; "this is where baby Jesus was born(Connor telling Liam one morning). "
And as for the decorations, you can call me Martha...Stewart that is! We have been busy painting, cutting, hanging, stringing and pinning new creations all over our home. It's absolutely stunning in here.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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